癡情(Jim Sterling)——歐美最佳網絡遊戲評論員

癡情(Jim Sterling)——歐美最佳網絡遊戲評論員 在 《歐美最佳網絡遊戲評論員》 中排名第9名。 我們精選了部分網友觀點: ...






While fighting bad publisher actions and being one of the most prominent video game reviewers to hit Konami's unfair business practices, Jim sterling, son, is my absolute dominant pick for best Reviewer. He not only researches his subjects and is honest to a point where most others would balk, but he's man enough to look towards the general public and game company employee treatment such as Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear. He is without a doubt an egotistical yet forward thinking person who fights bad games simply because of how much he *loves* good ones- If there's anyone who deserves to be on this list... its Jim Sterling. Blunt, direct and mostly honest, Jim is a one of kind type of critic Just watch him already goddamnit!





  • 發表於 2020-11-26 21:19
  • 閱讀 ( 578 )
  • 分類:遊戲



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