比如說動畫片和電子遊戲比人們死去的茉莉花還要糟糕21064(Say things such as cartoons and video games are worse than people dyingJasmine21064)——歐美十大最糟糕的方法TheTopTens惡意破壞,巨魔不特定的人

比如說動畫片和電子遊戲比人們死去的茉莉花還要糟糕21064(Say things such as cartoons and video games are worse than people dyingJasmine21064)——歐美十大最糟糕的方法TheTopTens惡意破壞,巨魔不特定的人 在 《歐美十大最糟糕的方法TheTopTens惡意破壞,巨魔不特定的人》 中排名第11名。 所以人們顯然相信糟糕的遊戲和...

比如說動畫片和電子遊戲比人們死去的茉莉花還要糟糕21064(Say things such as cartoons and video games are worse than people dying Jasmine21064)——歐美十大最糟糕的方法TheTopTens惡意破壞,巨魔不特定的人在歐美十大最糟糕的方法惡意破壞巨魔不特定的人中排名第11名。

所以人們顯然相信糟糕的遊戲和表演比死亡更糟糕?從技術上說,他們寧願死在9/11這樣的致命事件中,也不願看他們不喜歡的比賽或表演!-茉莉21064 像《塵埃76》和《少年泰坦》這樣的爛遊戲和卡通片怎麼會比911和二戰更糟呢?哦,等等,他們不是!前兩個被釋放時沒有人死亡,後兩個被釋放時有人死亡!






So people apparently believe that bad games and shows are worse than death? They're technically saying that they would rather die in a deadly event like 9/11 than watch/play a game/show they don't like! - Jasmine21064



How are crappy games and cartoons like Fallout 76 and Teen Titans Go worse than 9/11 and WWII? Oh wait they aren't! No one died when the former 2 released. People died when the latter 2 happened!

  • 發表於 2021-03-03 03:27
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  • 分類:互聯網



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