基於精液的食譜正電子野鷹RedAce66 Kiteretsun(Semen-Based Recipe BooksPositronWildhawkRedAce66Kiteretsunu)——歐美亞馬遜十大瘋狂怪事

基於精液的食譜正電子野鷹RedAce66 Kiteretsun(Semen-Based Recipe BooksPositronWildhawkRedAce66Kiteretsunu)——歐美亞馬遜十大瘋狂怪事 在 《歐美亞馬遜十大瘋狂怪事》 中排名第3名。 ...

基於精液的食譜正電子野鷹RedAce66 Kiteretsun(Semen-Based Recipe Books PositronWildhawk RedAce66 Kiteretsunu)——歐美亞馬遜十大瘋狂怪事在歐美亞馬遜十大瘋狂怪事中排名第3名。





Most of the things here are worth the top position. Truly remarkable list. All of them deserve the number 1 position,First, I'm thinking where does the amazon store uranium at?Second, who will produce the required amount of semen for these dishes and how (he must be a pevert if he opens a restaurant specializing on this, both for practical and cookery purposes! )?Third, penis extender strap. Only one thing; I feel sorry for the guys who actually buy this.Overall remarkable list! - Kiteretsunu



One of the descriptions says "Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist." - PositronWildhawk



Useful to make semen sandwiches - RedAce66

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